Banned Book on the fate of a childless couple

Book review of Perumal Murugan’s “One Part Woman” This book was banned in Tamil Nadu until the Hight Court ruled in favour of the author and prohibited the ban demanded by self-appointed gatekeepers of culture in the society. I found the entire ban thing ridiculous. Perumal Murugan has written a simple novel in a non-linear... Continue Reading →

Why bucket lists are pointless. Swimming with a million stars underwater, on my birthday eve.

That’s me, ready for the first snorkeling around in the Marine park waters We make bucket lists as we grow, and like a machine, we work towards fulfilling those predestined fantasies that we have made for ourselves. Where is the unknown in a bucket list? Shouldn’t the process be reversed? That we go out in the... Continue Reading →

BANGKOK- What is a Wat? Day 1 of my Thailand trip.

What I learnt, ate and experienced. A Wat in South-East Asia is a Buddhist monastery or temple. Thailand has some of the most inspiring and grand Wats of them all. I began my Wat hopping in Bangkok. Bangkok is a crowded, intense city. I was overwhelmed by it. We reached Bangkok early morning at 5... Continue Reading →

Travel anxieties before you travel to a new country. And how to overcome them.

Tonight, I would be sitting on a plane to Bangkok. This is my maiden trip to Thailand. I would be cruising on the busy waters of Chao Phraya, bowing my head in supplication before the ancient Thai Wats, and eating street food delicacies. I would visit the ancient ruins of Ayuthhaya, photograph the iconic Buddha... Continue Reading →

A lament for the Sahitya Akademi Award of India.

And a review on the brilliant “Laburnum for my head” by Temsula Ao The home page of Sahitya Akademi Award, who? Indian youth today rants on Oscar winners, and Booker prizes. But ask them about their own country’s highest academic honor, and they fail miserably. Ask them about Indian Filmfare award, and the reaction would... Continue Reading →

Stumbling on “Anthem for Doomed Youth“

How beautiful it is when you stumble upon a beautiful thing by serendipity? For me, it was a piece of poetry by Wilfred Owen, called Anthem for Doomed Youth. I found it when I picked up this book, Regeneration. Pat Barker won the Booker Prize for the third instalment in this trilogy, “The Ghost Road,”... Continue Reading →

The hundred-year-old man who makes you wanna jump out from the nearest exit and disappear and live life.

“The hundred-year-old man who climbed out of the window and disappeared”. Wordy right? The immediate feeling I had when I picked up the book was that geriatrics would very well mumble something like that in general conversation. I became nostalgic and went back to a long lost rainy afternoon spent with my hundred-year-old grandma (umm,... Continue Reading →

On Reading- How the hell do you find the time to read?

  Inspired by Stephen King’s “On Writing: A memoir of the craft” “If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.” ― Stephen King, in his book  On Writing Many of my friends ping me on Facebook and Instagram with messages ranging from innocuous... Continue Reading →

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